This lesson is in the early stages of development (Alpha version)

RT-qPCR analysis with R: Glossary

Key Points

Importing qPCR data and experimental designs into R
  • Use the skip argument to skip lines when reading in a text file.

  • Plots can be used to inspect the contents of large data frames.

  • The separate() fucntion from tidyr can be used to separate variables contained in a single column.

  • Data frames can be combined based on matching variables.

Analysing qPCR data
  • There is a lot of data wrangling involved in data analysis!

  • The group_by() and summarise() functions are useful for calculating means across groups of samples.

  • The mutate() function can be used to store the results of calculations in a new column.

  • Using R for analysis help make the analysis reproducible.
